Answers to the most common questions about adoption

answers to common questions about adoptionAdoption is a journey of faith, love, and hope. As a Christian adoption agency, we understand the complexities and emotional aspects involved in this process. We hear a lot of common questions from both birthmothers and adoptive families, and in this post, we’re going to share the answers to these common adoption questions. As always, if you have questions, we’re here to help! You can call or text us any time at 972-491-3333.

Common questions from birthmothers

How do I know if adoption is the right choice for me?”

Deciding to place your child for adoption is a deeply personal choice. We encourage you to consider your current life circumstances, your future goals, and the well-being of your child. We offer counseling and resources to help you make an informed decision.

Can I choose the adoptive family for my baby?

Absolutely. You have the right to choose the adoptive family based on your preferences for your child’s future. We provide detailed profiles of prospective adoptive families, and you can meet them if you wish (almost all of our birthmothers do).

Will I be able to have any contact with my child after adoption?

This depends on the type of adoption you choose. In an open adoption, which is the most common, you can have ongoing contact with your child and the adoptive family. A semi-open adoption involves less direct contact, and a closed adoption means there is no contact. The choice is entirely up to you.

What kind of support will I receive during the adoption process?

We provide comprehensive support including counseling, medical care, legal assistance, and help with living expenses during your pregnancy, as permissible by law. We’re here to ensure you’re cared for every step of the way.

Is my adoption confidential?

Your privacy is absolutely important – we maintain confidentiality throughout the entire adoption process. If you choose a closed adoption, your identity is not even disclosed to the adoptive family, and vice versa.

Common questions from adoptive families

How do we start the adoption process?

The first step is to contact Lifetree. We will guide you through the application process, home study, and preparation for becoming adoptive parents. This includes paperwork, background checks, and training sessions.

How much does adoption cost?

Adoption costs can vary depending on the type of adoption and legal fees. We provide a detailed breakdown of expected costs, including agency fees, legal expenses, and potential support for the birth mother.

How long does the adoption process take?

The timeframe varies greatly depending on several factors, including the type of adoption, legal proceedings, and matching process. It can range from several months to a few years. We ensure that every step is taken with thoroughness and care.

Can we adopt a baby of a specific age, gender, or ethnicity?

At Lifetree, we only handle infant adoptions. Prospective adoptive parents can express preferences regarding the child’s gender and ethnicity, but being open to a diverse range of profiles increases the chances of a quicker match.

How are adoptive families screened and selected?

We conduct a comprehensive screening process, which includes a home study, background checks, interviews, and assessments of the family’s lifestyle, values, and readiness for adoption. Our priority is the child’s well-being.

Adoption is a wonderful journey – Lifetree is here to help!

Adoption is a journey that requires courage, faith, and a deep sense of commitment. For both birthmothers and adoptive families, it’s a path paved with questions and uncertainties. Our Christian adoption agency is dedicated to guiding you through this journey with compassion, understanding, and professionalism, ensuring that every decision is made in the best interest of the child. Remember, you’re not alone in this; we are here to support and guide you every step of the way. Call or text us at 972-491-3333 any time!

Pregnant? We can help
Waiting adoptive families