Waiting Parents: Ryan and Raechel

Hey everyone! If you are looking for a fun, young, family and goal oriented couple, we may be a great match for you! We have been married for over five years now, and we are very excited to grow our family. We have always known that we wanted to adopt, even before we got married. Ryan has a brother and four other family members who are adopted, and Raechel has always imagined adopting a child too. We sense God is leading us to take this step for our family in this season, and we are praying that you’ll know if we might be the right fit for your child!

We first met in August 2010. The connection was instant, but we just stayed friends until we started dating in February 2014. It was a whirlwind romance, and after 10 months, Ryan proposed and we got married the following June. In our 5+ years of marriage, we have lived in two states, West Virginia and now Texas. We have been through a lot of challenges together through these years that have brought us closer together and taught us to rely on God through everything!
Ryan is a pastor at a local church, and Raechel is a professor at a local university. Our faith in Christ is a central part of who we are and what we want our family to be about. Our jobs are flexible, so we plan to spend a lot of time with our child. Even so, we know our church family will be an excellent support system. Our church is one of the top day cares in the city, and we already have eager college students lined up to babysit!

We like to think of our marriage as a team. Raechel is the ‘mom’ of every group, because she always has an emergency kit, a snack, and a plan. Ryan loves numbers, logistics, and has no sense of smell, so he’s ready to take on an endless amount of diapers! Family is a huge part of our lives too. All four of our parents are supportive of our decision to adopt and plan to be actively involved in our child’s life.
Raechel looooves animals. In addition to our two cats and one dog, she loves to birdwatch and volunteer at the local animal shelter. She also loves audiobooks, sewing, and a good musical. Ryan loves watching and playing sports, reading a good book, and spending lots of face to face time with friends. Together, we LOVE to travel. We hope to visit all 50 states one day. So far we’ve made it to 16 together, and 4 countries. We can’t wait to include our future child in all of our adventures, and to help them pursue their dreams too!

Thanks so much for considering us as parents for your child. Life is always messier than pictures, but at the core, we hope our lives can be an offering of worship to God. We cannot wait to turn this duo into a trio. Should we be matched together, know that we will pledge to pray for you regularly in the years ahead. We trust that God will lead you, not only in choosing the right family, but through each of life’s turns for the rest of your days.