Waiting Parents: David and Sara

Thank you for taking the time to read about us as individuals and who we are as a couple. Our hope is that you will see the love we share for each other and our community of family and friends as you consider us to be adoptive parents. Though we have not met, we are thankful our paths have crossed. We recognize that you are in a vulnerable stage in your journey and want you to know you have our love and support this entire way. We have been praying for you and will continue to as you make the best decision you can for you and your child. You are worthy, courageous, strong, and admirable for your maturity and selflessness. Should our journey together continue we promise to honor you, your decision, and this child to the best of our ability. We want nothing more than what is best for you and this little blessing.

We started dating 5 years ago when we met here in Dallas. We are both from small West Texas towns and moved to the big city to pursue our careers. Although we did not know each other at the time we started dating, we quickly realized being from the small towns we shared familiar stories. Fast forward and we have now been married for 2.5 years! We knew early on it would be difficult for us to have a family of our own naturally and without hesitation knew we had a calling for adoption. If we could describe our relationship in one phrase it would be “Ying and Yang”. We complement each other in many ways even though we are similar in some. While David is laid back and lives in the moment, Sara thrives off of planning, scheduling, and organizing. We share a love of being outdoors whether we’re at the lake fishing, boating, camping, hiking, or hosting backyard BBQ’s. We’re simple people who enjoy the company of family and friends but love to travel and experience all that life has to offer us. We are dreaming of the day we will blessed to grow our family and share the love we have in our hearts.

What David says about Sara:
Sara is the backbone of this family. She never ceases to amaze me at how much she does. Not only professionally but for her family, friends, and others. She’s constantly taking care of others and is the most selfless person I know. When she’s not working she loves to spend time with her family and making others laugh! When it comes to motherhood, I know she will fulfill that role to the best of her ability.
What Sara says about David:
David is a hardworking man who loves his family. He is loyal, honest, funny, laid back, giving, handy, smart, humbling, and so much more! When he’s not working he loves spending time with his family, keeping his mind busy building or creating new things, and hanging out at his favorite spot, fishing. I cannot wait to see David become a dad and share all of his knowledge and hacks on life with our future children.

Our Promise!
We want you to know we will raise your child to the best of our ability and love he or she unconditionally. We vow to help them be the best version of themselves by providing a loving household, a good education, bringing them up through the church, and teaching them life lessons along the way. Most importantly, we vow to let this child know where they come from and always honor your role in their story. We will let them know how much you truly love them for making this decision that will connect us forever.
David & Sara