Waiting Parents: Brett and Stephanie

Let us be the first to say thank you for considering adoption as a step in your journey. We are thrilled to be a part of all of this with you. Brett and I want to partner in an open adoption, and can’t wait to keep you informed of all of the child’s growing stages. However, we are also willing to consider any desires or needs you might have.

Brett is 33 years old and loves to hike, hang out with friends and family, play video games, and backpacking. One time he actually took off a semester of college to backpack from Spain to France to raise awareness and money for women who have to walk and carry their own water daily. He of course went back to college to finish what he started. He now has two degrees, Management and Ethics Biblical Studies. It is his passion to bring what he knows and loves to every person he meets. H enjoys making people laugh, and having deep discussions on any level. He enjoys spending evenings with his wife at home while they cook and then watch a movie or a series they have just started. I keeps busy with his side jobs and is hoping to see them take off one day. It is a joy for him to go to comic cons to connect the people he knows to the people he has just met. It is a treat when he gets to bring his wife along with him and has both his worlds collide. He cannot wait to venture into the world of fatherhood and see our children get to experience the things they love as well.
Stephanie is 31 years old, and loves to watch movies, snuggle in blankets, do puzzles, read a good book, and decorate. She is very into painting but needs more practice at it. Cooking does not come naturally to her, but she looks up recipes to make food feel like a way to gather as a family. She pushes herself outside her comfort zone to be the best person, wife, and one day good mom she can be. She is constantly reading the word, and improving their home. She goes on bike rides in nearby parks, and has a small at home workout area, also known as the living room. She tries to have a green thumb but alas it also needs more practice. She is very much an introvert, but Brett keeps her balanced with his extrovertness.

We love to experience different cultures to remind us life is bigger than what we have in America. We do this by going to different places such as Colombia, Germany, and Hawaii to name a few. Also, we love to serve where there is a need. Helping clean parks, feeding the needy, and giving any chance we can.
Camping is a big hobby of ours and we try to go whenever we can. We look forward to taking our children on these adventure times! Story telling, catching lightning bugs, eating really well around a campfire, and sleeping in tents. We long to take our children on these adventures to show them how to be brave in any situation and how to have fun with nature.
Trying new things is something that we try to do often. One thing we set out to do was have chickens. It was such a foreign concept to Stephanie but she learned everything she could about raising backyard chickens, and now has chickens named after the Friends characters.
We live in a spacious three bedroom ranch style home. We have a private backyard where we raise our chickens, and play with our dog, Zoe. We enjoy hosting family cookouts on our patio and swimming in our above ground pool. Our home also features a large front yard we enjoy decorating for
the holidays.
God is the center focus of our life and we look forward to raising our children in the church. CLife is our current church we attend and serve at. From Bible studies, and connecting in community groups. CLife is a nondenominational church that has a way of making everyone feel like they are home. The children’s ministry is very big and reaches the children where they are at, and educates them on the ways of God. They go to camp when they are in the third grade and have many ways to connect the children during the week.

Both sides of our family make family a top priority. Stephanie’s side has land that they do bonfires on and treehouses that the kids play in. Brett’s side does get togethers and family reunions in Weatherford Texas. Both sides make huge efforts to always be in each other’s lives. We can’t wait to instill this in their children as well. From the point that family will always be there for you no matter what! They have your back! Family is quick to say sorry and own it when they are wrong.
Learning to say sorry and serve one another is not always easy, this is where we intend to lead by example as parents. Teaching them chores, and helping them reach any dreams they might have. Taking the time out for school projects, tests that might give anxiety, and everyday homework. Explaining why even if asked a lot. Working on listening to our children’s needs and wants. We plan on disciplining by tailoring it to the child. From time outs to taking away things. Even in the discipline, we plan on explaining why the child is in trouble and how all parties involved could do better moving forward, the discipline will focus on communication and discussion, not punishment.
It is our desire to have Stephanie at home with our children prior to grade school. We do want our children to socialize though. This is where Mom’s Day Out steps in which is only two times a week for five hours long, in the morning. Mom’s Day Out is done through the church and is for tiny tots. From there we long to see them be in any sport or musical activity they long to pursue. Teaching them that once they start they must see it through, at least until that season is over. We long to show them how to grow their own plants and to play with and be kind to animals. It is important to us for them to have friends that they can do life with. We plan to nurture this as best as possible. One thing that Brett enjoyed as a child was having Disney movie nights with his friends at his house, even in high school. We can not wait to have some of those memories as well with our children.
All in all, we long to come alongside our children to navigate them towards who they long to be and who God has designed them to be. We want to be parents that have a warm nurturing environment. We want to serve our children as if we are serving God and to do everything as an example for them. We plan to put each other first, but first and foremost, put God first. Thank you for helping us achieve our goal of being parents that might be able to see this happen. We currently can not have kids and know that this is the step God is leading us to. It is the step we have always wanted even before we knew that we might not be able to. Thank you for your time!