Waiting Parents: Ben and Rebecca

Hello! We are excited to introduce ourselves to you, we are Ben and Rebecca from TX. We are honored by your courage and strength in taking the step to choose adoption for your baby. Wherever your journey leads you, we hope you find comfort in knowing that you have chosen a life where your baby will be regarded as the biggest blessing and is cherished every day.
We are an E-harmony success story and have been happily married for 5 years! We’ve always had an incredibly supportive relationship. We know life brings ups and downs, and we vowed when we got married to stand by each other’s side through it all. We have tried for many years to build our family. After learning it wouldn’t be a possibility biologically, adoption came as an easy decision for us. One of Ben’s brothers was adopted so adoption feels very natural to us.

We love to spend time together, whether that be as simple as sitting on the couch watching TV or a movie, playing with our dog and cat, riding bikes, or another fun activity. We are at our best when we are together making one another laugh. Family is especially important to us and we are fortunate to live close to both sides of our families. Between the two sides we have 6 nieces and nephews. We also have a close group of friends that all have kids so a child will not be lacking in support and friendship.

What Ben says about Rebecca:
Rebecca has the unique ability to make friends with anyone! Including every animal she sees. It’s fun to be around her because she will make anyone feel like an old friend. Rebecca likes to read, do puzzles, is also pretty crafty. She loves a good art project. She is also always up for an adventure whether going for a hike or running errands around town- regardless of the activity she makes it fun. She has an overflowing abundance of love to give. She showers it on her friends and family. Rebecca was born to be a mother and is already deep in her practice with our pets, nieces, nephews, and friend’s children. Babysitting duty is never an obligation, but a privilege.
What Rebecca says about Ben:
Ben is calm, patient, and very steady. Friends refer to him as a rock. If you have a problem, Ben will listen and try to help as best as he can. He is utterly reliable. But he is silly and fun too! I don’t like to admit it, but he is the favorite among our nieces and nephews. It is not uncommon for them to want to jump and pile on Uncle Ben! Ben enjoys technology in all forms, whether that is upgrading our house with smart devices, or taking aerial photographs with his drone. Ben is also an aspiring writer. He has written a book and is working on a sequel. It is exciting to see his creative side emerge through his writing.

We promise to always love and honor your baby. We promise to present your child all the opportunities life has to offer and to give them the best education possible. We will raise your child in a loving home teaching them to be kind, to cherish family and to have confidence. We will always be their #1 fan and support them in every way possible. We want you, as their birth mother, to know that your child will never be without and will always know they have a loving mother who made the ultimate sacrifice for her baby’s happiness. Thank you for considering us to become the adoptive parents of your baby.