Waiting Parents: Ashley and Joe

Hi there! We are Ashley and Joseph. We want to express our love and support for the tough decision you have made. We are so grateful you have found our profile and we want to thank you for taking the time to learn more about our story and why we are choosing to adopt.

How we met:
We first met at the gym at the apartment complex where we both lived. Ashley, a former gymnast, was doing a strength training move while in a handstand position. Joe, thoroughly impressed, tried to figure out a way to smooth-talk his way into a conversation with Ashley. Joe got the courage to walk up to Ashley, attempted to make a joke, which ultimately failed but still managed to gain him access to go on a walk with Ashley and her dog, Diesel. After a walk around the lake, Joe and Ashley were inseparable and have now been together for 7 years. In 2018, we welcomed our precious baby girl, Brinley into the world.

About Joseph (by Ashley):
Joseph is an enthusiastic, hardworking, and caring individual. He is known by his family and friends as a voice of reason and a sympathetic individual. Joe is an engineer by trade and an amazing father to Brinley. He is very passionate about his job and is focused on supporting and keeping his employees safe. Joe has a huge heart for helping those in need. He loves to do volunteer work and will be the first to help a neighbor. His hobbies include golfing, baseball, skiing, and home projects.

About Ashley (by Joseph)
Ashley is a nurturer. She exemplifies this both in her career as a nurse as well as a mother. Her heart is always open to let others in and she has a never-ending supply of empathy. She is known to be logical, selfless, and extremely goal oriented. Her calm demeanor with a goofy attitude makes her a fun and caring mother to our daughter Brinley. Her heart makes her a supportive and loving mother to whomever may join our family in the future.

Meet Brinley! She is a spunky and caring 4-year-old who loves bubbles, playing with the neighborhood kids, and lover of all animals! She is a social butterfly and is in the process of preparing on how to be the best big sissy she can be!

Our home:
We live in a beautiful suburb outside of Dallas – Ft. Worth area with an amazing school district. We reside very close to the majority of our immediate family members. We regularly have weekend get togethers which involve dinners, game nights, and usually will end with us getting ice cream at our favorite ice cream joint, Andy’s, yum! If we are not with family, you will find us hanging out with our neighbors. We spend many weekends getting all of our kids together for pool parties, bbq events, birthdays, and good old Sunday Funday!

Why adopt?
Adoption has always been in our hearts. Ashley, along with her older brother, were both adopted at birth. Joseph has two cousins who were adopted internationally. Before we met, it was a goal of both of ours to be able to adopt one day. After discovering this common goal, it solidified our desire. After having our daughter, Brinley, we felt called to adopt our next child. We would love the opportunity to carry on the gift of life that was afforded to Ashley. We promise to play outside, roll on the floor and laugh, dance in the rain, mentor, nurture, love, care, and grow with this child of God. We will teach them that kindness always wins in the long run. We will enable their independence and stability. We will be there when they falter. We will praise them when they succeed.
We are eagerly awaiting to grow our family. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. If you’d like to know more, please request our adoption book! We’d love the opportunity to get to know you 😊