Waiting Parents: Ally and Chris

Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile. We recognize the courage that it takes to consider an adoption plan and support whatever decision you think is best.
We have been married for five years. We wanted to start a family right away and had our first child within our first year of marriage. Pregnancy was very difficult, but we wanted more children so tried again. After our first child, we had four miscarriages and finally, after another difficult pregnancy, we had our second baby. Our children are the biggest blessings in our lives, but we feel we have so much more love to give. We both have had a desire to adopt before we even met each other and we feel now is the right time. We have a home filled with laughter, silliness, and love and are looking forward to sharing it with another little one.
We hope this gives you a peek into who we are and what we hope to offer our future child.

A Little bit about our life together
We started to get to know each other in early 2015 when a Bible study began at Chris’ home. Ally would frequently go over to the house early to help Chris prepare a meal for everyone. We began dating in June 2015 and dated for about 8 months before getting engaged. Many of our dates consisted of cooking, going on walks or hikes, playing board games and taking swim lessons together. For Chris’ birthday, Ally took him zip lining for the first time. We also enjoyed going on trips together. We visited friends in Pennsylvania and Chris’ parents in Florida. By February 2016, we each had spent time with each other and each other’s families and we knew this relationship was a blessed and special one. On February 11, 2016, Chris proposed at one of Ally’s favorite places, Gillette Stadium, where the New England Patriots play. Four months later, on June 11, 2016, we were married. We have both enjoyed being each other’s best friend and walking through life together.
A little bit about Chris:
I am 36 years old. I currently work in healthcare and I have been at my current job for over 10 years. I am the younger of two children. My dad had his private pilot’s license and some of my favorite memories growing up are from when my dad and I would go flying together. My favorite subject in school was science and my family always encouraged me to learn more about how the world works. Some of my hobbies include cooking, reading, listening to podcasts, going on hikes, and going to the playground with my girls.

How Ally thinks of Chris:
Chris is a hard worker and compassionate person with a steadfast personality. He is my best friend whom I enjoy doing everyday life with. Chris is a helper and is sensitive to the needs of others. It has been a joy to see him in the role of daddy. He takes it seriously, understanding his part in helping our children grow to be mature and kind adults, but has the perfect balance of being silly (doing the best goofy voices for the stuffed animals!). There is not anyone I have ever met that would be better at being the leader of this family- serving me and the children in providing wisdom, emotional strength, playfulness, and love.
A little bit about Ally:
I am 33 years old and am a stay at home mom, working very part time as a social worker at the local hospital. I am the younger of two girls. I am very close with my family. Some of my favorite childhood memories are from Friday night family pizza and game nights. My family has always encouraged me to follow my dreams with a heart of love for others. My favorite subject in school was Statistics. My hobbies include walking, running, hiking, and reading.

How Chris thinks of Ally:
Ally is smart, witty, compassionate, and gives good advice. She is fun, affectionate and goofy with our girls. I appreciate her sense of humor which is sometimes sarcastic. She sets me straight when I waiver. I look forward to coming home to her at the end of every work day, and I treasure every day off I get to spend with her. Even though we have only been married for a little over 4 years, I feel so comfortable around her and I feel like I’ve known her my entire life. I couldn’t imagine anyone else I’d rather be raising a family with.
The joy of parenting
Parenting is the joy of our lives. We take it seriously, knowing we are tasked with raising the next generation to be people of strong morals, kindness and love. We both value quality time with our kids, knowing the desire for time, affirmation and love that children have. We have discipline in our home to provide our children with a sense of safety and security. We are a fun-loving family, emphasizing lightheartedness and goofiness daily.
As parents, we know how much we are loved by the God who created us and strive to show that unconditional love to our kids.
We are all very excited to bring a new baby into our home. It will be a blessing, joy and honor to grow our family through adoption.

Together we love to see and experience new places and foods! Some of our favorite adventures have been spending time with family and visiting new places around the country. One of our best memories was spending a week in Montana, visiting a friend and exploring the Rocky Mountains. In our local area, we enjoy discovering new coffee shops and hiking trails.