Waiting Parents: Missy and Jim
We are Jim and Missy. We are so grateful our paths have crossed! Thank you for taking the time to get to know our family a bit more and how we might fit into your story. We met in graduate school in 2013, where we quickly became friends and fell in love. We married in January 2015. Over the past six years we have been hoping to grow our family but have not been able to. We entered into the adoption process eager both to become parents and to be a source of support and encouragement to a special birth family.

Some notable things about us:
We believe Jesus changes everything, so we attempt to live our lives in a way that testifies to God making all things new.
We have two scruffy, lovable dogs, Norman and Lawrence. We live in a quiet, diverse neighborhood in Houston (with fabulous neighbors we adore). We love our home and inviting others into it, whether it be brunch, game nights, holidays, or yard games. We love any reason to celebrate! We sing a lot of silly songs. We eat a lot of ice cream. We value authenticity, laughing, community, and adventure. We own way too many books. (Our future child even has a stocked library already) We enjoy traveling and exploring new places and cultures.
It is our honor and joy to be considered as your child’s adoptive parents. We are in awe of your bravery and the sacrificial love you have for your child. It is important to us that you feel respected throughout your child’s life. Furthermore, we vow that your child will always know they are loved by us and you. Our friends and family are equally eager to help nurture this child in a community of abundant love. We can’t wait to meet you and walk alongside you in this season of our lives.

Jim loves Missy
I fell in love with Missy because she is someone I can grow old having really good conversations with; she asks the most intimate and authentic questions, and inspires me to reflect on my own ideas, and virtues, and desires. Missy is ever encouraging, relentlessly hopeful, and the most daringly genuine person I know. She is passionate about justice, and the people she loves, as evidenced by the fact that she remembers everything about everyone – it’s incredible.
Missy is so excited to be a mom, and she is going to be an incredible mom. Missy is gentle, goofy, honest, fun, and consistent. She always knows how to make people of all ages feel known, heard, accepted, and cared for. She was built to be a mother in that, good times and bad, she loves and never stops loving. I love this woman with all that is in me, and I can’t wait to partner with her in parenting.
Missy loves Jim
Jim is the best human I know. I am so proud to be his wife and forever best friend. He makes everyone around him feel valued and listened to. He is caring, empathetic, and gentle. He is patient, kind, and wicked smart. He spoils me with affection and laughs at all my jokes. One of his strongest attributes is how understanding he is. He is so good at seeing things from others’ point of view and considering how others feel. He is an incredibly supportive partner who has selflessly made my dreams his dreams.
He loves baseball, movies, and history, and he is a voracious reader. Being on a team with him is my favorite thing. I absolutely cannot wait to be a parent with him. I know he will be the best dad! Jim has taught me what it looks like to love like Jesus by the way he serves me in big and small ways and how he is committed to lifting others up. He is so good at getting on a kid’s level to make them feel important and safe. I know he will always be up for kitchen dance parties, karaoke sing offs, pretending, being silly, and all the cuddles. I can’t wait to see the special relationship he’ll have with our child.