Waiting Parents: Darah and Patrick
Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about our family. We want you to know that we’re praying for you and hope that God gives you peace in whatever decision you make.
Darah was adopted at birth, so she understands this process in a way that many people may not. Being adopted at birth, was one of the biggest blessings in her life and she had the privilege of meeting her birthmother at 18 and they continue an amazing relationship still today.

We know that this child will have many questions as they grow up about how they came to be part of our family. She will want to know about you, and we will tell her again and again that you were an angel that God sent to bless our family. We have the utmost respect and admiration for the path that you are choosing for the sweet child growing inside you.

We met in class at Texas A&M and began dating a couple months later. We got married after graduation in 2007. We have 3 biological children, Jake (8), Dylan (5), and Mason (2). Patrick works as a business analyst for a bank and Darah has taken on the role of stay at home for the past five years. Before that, she was a teacher and middle school counselor.
We are a family that loves to learn, play, laugh, read, sing, dance, and have fun together. We will raise this child to know and love God, to experience unconditional love, to be resilient, and to understand what a blessing she is. She will be surrounded by friends and family that adore her.
We feel blessed for Darah to be able to stay home and have more quality time with our children while they’re young and the flexibility to volunteer at their schools and give them the opportunity to be involved in many activities. We are very active in our boys’ lives, we help coach their teams, volunteer in our church children’s ministry, chaperone and participate in their school activities, and of course at home, we’re playing, reading, and doing our best to model Christ’s love for them and others.

We always knew we wanted a big family and we love watching the bond between our boys, but we still feel like our family isn’t quite complete. Darah always had the desire to adopt. After a convicting bible study in our church small group, Patrick also started to think about how we need to share the blessings that God has given us to others, and adoption seemed to be the avenue that God was wanting us to do that through. We also truly desire to have a little girl. We believe that God placed these two desires on our hearts for a reason, so that we would pursue adopting a girl! We explained our plans of adopting and our two older boys are very excited to have a baby in the house again! Our youngest isn’t quite old enough to understand of course, but he loves every baby he meets!
As a family we love to travel, spend time with our extended family, and hang out with friends in the neighborhood. We also love just hanging out at home, playing toys, reading, swimming in our backyard and watching movies.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our family and may God bless you in this journey.
The Eberle Family
Darah, Patrick, Jake, Dylan, & Mason