Waiting Parents: Stefany and Derek

We have been married for 3 years. Derek is a native Texan and Stefany is from Oklahoma (please, don’t hold that against her). We met at our church and we knew by the third date that we wanted to get married. We do all we can to make sure we love the Lord and love others. This is why we are going into the adoption process. We want to share that love with whomever God puts in our life.

Derek does quality assurance and customer support for a healthcare based technology company and Stefany is a 6th grade teacher. When not at church, you can find us playing board games, card games, playing Stardew Valley, hanging out with our church group, or visiting family.
We love Star Wars and even had a bit of a Star Wars theme in our wedding. We are also very into puzzles—jigsaw and Rubik’s cube style—and almost always have at least one jigsaw puzzle in progress at any given time. Derek has a collection of over 170 Rubik’s cube style puzzles, in all different shapes and sizes that he has been collecting for over 15 years.

More than anything though, we are always looking for ways to serve others and show them they matter and they are loved.