Waiting Parents: Dallas and Lauren

Hello! We are Dallas, Lauren & Keaton and are so excited for you to get to know our family a little better! We want you first to know how amazing we think you are. The sacrifices you are making are seen and noticed and we are just in awe of you. We recognize the choices you’re considering may be full of emotional and physical challenges and want you to know how grateful we are for your consideration and gift to your child.

In Lauren’s words:
Dallas is the most hard-working and diligent person I know. His willingness to serve others and the importance he places on his family and friends really drew me to him in college. One of the things that attracted me to him initially was how much his friends and family love him, and his drive to succeed. Dallas is my greatest blessing and biggest supporter. Dallas’ personality and thoughtfulness are a fantastic balance to my constant go, go, go. He looks at situations and circumstances, analyzes and educates himself, then reacts. His easy-going nature and love for fun fills our home with peace and happiness. In his free time, he loves following sports (especially the BYU Cougars), playing softball, adventuring outdoors and spending time with our family and our extended families.
Fun facts about Dallas:
- Dallas speaks three languages fluently (English, Spanish and Portuguese)
- He and his siblings regularly quote movies and shows they know and love to see if others can pick up on the quotes (favorites include Seinfeld, The Office, and any of the Oceans movies
- Dallas loves pizza and pasta!
In Dallas’s words:
Lauren is my absolute best friend. There are so many things to look for in a spouse, but I believe that being friends has to be near the top. There’s so much goodness in Lauren that still makes me want to get to know her more and more. I’ve never met anyone that has her kind of drive to get things done. She’s very creative and loves to create things as small as home décor to as large as a six-foot giant witch’s nose for a church kids carnival. Kids are drawn to Lauren. She’s full of fun ideas, is good at helping them think through their choices, and discover what they want to do. She’s so good with them because she keeps her life’s perspective simple. This is part of what draws her to ALL THINGS DISNEY. From being able to quote a select few Disney movies entirely from start to finish, to randomly busting out in Disney song, to asking me when we can plan our next Disney trip. Her love runs deep. Lauren stays busy caring for our son, but she also runs a couple of side businesses: Lauren teaches singing lessons in our home and is an aerobics instructor. Marriage and family are daily decisions. She’s the best decision I get to make every day.
Fun facts about Lauren:
- Lauren is a fitness enthusiast and loves participating in everything from running to Crossfit to dancing
- Kitchen dance parties are her favorite!
- She loves when we match or coordinate as a family. From matching Christmas jammies and t-shirts on our Disney trips to Halloween costumes planned months in advance

Keaton is our energetic, passionate, and adventurous little boy. He loves playing with other kids and is quick to make friends. He is excited about welcoming a sibling and will make a great brother. Our extended family is quite large (Dallas is the middle child of seven) and everyone can’t wait to welcome a new child to the party! We have fantastic relationships with our families and love spending time with siblings, grandparents and cousins whenever possible.
We love our home! We live in a suburban neighborhood with lots of space inside and outside to play and have fun. The whole family enjoys being outside whether that’s swimming, going for a family run, playing at a park or throwing around a ball we love the simplicity of just being together. Our community is truly one of the best in the state. We live near tons of parks and trails we love to explore, and Lauren and Keaton regularly frequent our zoo, libraries and arboretum. We can’t wait to add another explorer to our adventure crew!

We love Disney and take Disney vacations as often as we can. It’s Lauren’s happy place and we all love the happiness and joy we feel there. When we need to get away from the heaviness of the real world we escape to a place where magic is real, and dreams come true. We’ve loved sharing our love for Disney with Keaton and can’t wait to share it with your child.
Adoption has played a large role in our extended families, and we have seen the love and joy that can come from adoption. We hope to add multiple adoptive and biological children to our family as we are able and are grateful for the opportunity to grow our family in such a loving and unique way. If you choose us, we promise an eternity of love and support for your child. And although we may provide the means for an adoptive child to accomplish their dreams, their innate talents and abilities, heritage and life are all made possible because of you, their incredible birth mother. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for having the courage and strength to offer the gift of adoption to your child.
Dallas & Lauren